South Bahrain Loop Road (SBL) Stage 2

  • The project is an extension of South Bahrain Loop Road (SBL) Stage 2 towards south about 2 Kms appximately from Al Sahel Development roundabout. The new road will be constructed as a dual two lane carriageway (24.1m between two outer shoulder ages) with links to the proposed two way service road network that is close to the existing shore line developments. Also, cycle path of 5m width with 2m 3D vision footpath proposed between main road and service road. Envisages proposal for SBLR Stage 2 comprises of 2X3.65m carriageway, 1.0m hard strip at the median, 3.0m hard shoulder, 1.0m wide median. The total corridor width is 100m. Design Speed is 100kph.
  • Removal of all unsuitable material, construction of earthworks, drainage outfalls to the sea, laying of duct crossings, protection/diversion of underground utilities, construction of concrete barrier at the median, construction of roadworks, installation of safety barrier, construction of cycle path, crossing for cyclists, ducting for signalized intersection including all necessary equipment for its operation, intelligent transport system, street lighting system, landscaping and Irrigation.
  •  Upgradation of existing Cycle Track is widening of an existing cycle track 10km in stretch. The width of the existing cycle track varies between 2-3 meters. The proposed widening is to the east of existing cycle. The new cycle track after widening shall be a dual two-lane cycle track (5.3m width).
  • Removal of all unsuitable material, construction of earthworks, construction of roadworks, crossing of cyclists.



Client: - Ministry of Works (MOW):

Consultant: - Parsons Global Services Limited