Eastern Precast
Eastern Precast plant manufactures two main product lines – Hollow core slabs and Precast elements. Hollow core slabs have been a competitive alternative to cast-in-situ and has proven to be a practical choice for floor and roofing solutions worldwide. Its speed in manufacturing, light in weight resulting into reduced foundation costs, long-span capability and versatility are a few benefits attributed to the use of hollow core slabs.

- About
Eastern Precast can offer a complete Integrated Precast Building System (IPBS) to form the main superstructure to include columns, beams, stairs, cladding panels and hollowcore slabs. This building system is suitable to almost all types of buildings. The IPBS offers the following advantages : reduced overall construction time, high quality building components, 2 hours fire rating thus eliminating additional encasement, flexibility in design layout, excellent thermal wall insulation capacity, and many other advantages.

Precast Elements Erection

PC Elements Stockyard
PC Elements Stockyard
- Construction Management

Precast elements consists of precast columns, beams, stairs, architectural cladding panels, precast bearing walls, retaining walls, compound walls etc.
Eastern Precast can offer a complete Integrated Precast Building System (IPBS) to form the main superstructure to include columns, beams, stairs, cladding panels and hollowcore slabs. This building system is suitable to almost all types of buildings. The IPBS offers the following advantages : reduced overall construction time, high quality building components, 2 hours fire rating thus eliminating additional encasement, flexibility in design layout, excellent thermal wall insulation capacity etc.
- Precast Building System
Eastern Precast holds and maintains a quality policy for both its products and services. It has an in-house quality laboratory to ensure adherence to manufacturing standards.
It is an accredited precast supplier for both Government and Private sectors. Some of the major clients include Ministry of Housing, Civil Aviation Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Municipalities and Agriculture Affairs, University of Bahrain, Alba, Bapco.
Eastern Precast is managed by qualified and experienced managers and supervisors. It boasts of employing efficient, technical, and skilled workers, skilled and unskilled workers.
The division carries a fleet of trailors and mobile cranes for efficient delivery and erection at the sites.
HCS Loading

We build partnerships with our clients
Chairman, Eastern Asphalt